Attendance Rates over 96%!

At School Lane Surgery we wanted to share some details on our appointment attendance rates for January. Despite the challenges of the winter season, we’re delighted to report that the overwhelming majority of our patients attended their appointments.

Throughout January, we had over 6,200 appointments. Of these, only a tiny fraction, representing 3.3% where patients did not arrive (or DNA’d).

 A huge THANK YOU  to all of our Patients who attended their appointment.

 While we understand that unexpected circumstances can arise, we want to emphasise the importance of cancelling appointments if they’re no longer needed, ensuring that valuable healthcare resources are fully used.

 To break this down by Staff Group:

  • 99.4% of patients attended their appointments with a GP, with 21 appointments DNA’d.
  • 93.8%. of patients attended their appointments with another healthcare professionals, with 186 appointments DNA’d.

While this is great to see our appointment attendance rates high, it’s crucial to acknowledge the impact of missed appointments on our NHS resources.

The 21 missed appointments with our GP’s equate to a cost of £1,458 lost to the NHS. As an NHS Practice we are committed to ensuring that we keep all NHS costs down and making sure that these vital appointments are utilised efficiently, benefitting our entire community.

 Remember, if you’re unable to attend your appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us to cancel. This helps us provide the best possible care for everyone.

We can always use appointments!

Throughout 2024 we will update you each month on how we are doing and our attendance rates. This is a great start to 2024 and hopefully we will see further improves over the course of the year!