Stay well this winter and cold weather

Some people are more vulnerable in cold weather, and as winter sets in, we need to think about how we can stay well when it’s wintry. This might include vaccinations if you’re vulnerable, making sure the temperature is warm enough indoors and making sure you’re getting all the help that’s available.

it is always a good idea to make sure that you are stocked up for over the counter medications that help with those stuffy noses and cold symptoms. Keeping these stocked at home can save the last minute trip out if you are not feeling well.

The Met Office have some fantastic guidance on the things that might help us to stay well over the winter, including links to some of the available financial support you may be entitled to.…llbeing/top-tips-for-staying-well-this-winter

If you have elderly or vulnerable neighbours, can you check that they’re okay? From knocking on the door to see if they’re alright if you haven’t seen them doing their normal activities, to sparing the time for a cuppa if they’re alone for long periods, there are many things we can do to foster great communities and support our older population.

From transport to helping with small maintenance jobs around the home, Age UK can help across Great Britain. To find out more about the support Age UK offer, have a look at their local pages.